Whether you are a regional export development agency or an industry cluster, GNC Group Russia is an ideal, locally based contractor for your outgoing trade mission organization.
Trade missions are a means of strengthening business relations between two countries or regions within a specific industry. They are also a cost effective way of visiting the Russian market for companies. A collective program usually includes: meeting associations; retail tours or visiting industry-related venues. Matchmaking is done in accordance with participants’ profiles and meetings with potential buyers and partners are individual.
We organize collective trade missions which let members explore the local business environment, answering crucial questions such as:
– Is Russia an interesting market for our company?
– Can our products be competitive in this market?
– Are there companies interested in working with us to introduce our products onto the Russian market? And if so, which are of most interest to us in realizing our goals?
– What opportunities are out there for us to seize?
– What should our next steps be?
Service details
We provide the full scope of services necessary for the successful outcome of your trade mission:
- market research for the mission potential assessment
- setting up meetings with industry associations/ related institutions
- organization of retail/ industry specific venue visits
- business matchmaking
- interpreting and translation
- travel management
- follow-up services
2 to 4 months of preparation depending on industry and objectives
Starting from 30 mandays

Get in touch to start planning and organizing your trade mission to Russia now.